I have really spent the last week getting my strength back. I just have a tight feeling in my neck now and very little soreness. I had the dressings removed on Thursday and I have a three inch black scratch across the bottom of my neck, just under the Adam's apple region and a tiny black scratch under that where the drain was. Judicious application of Vitamin E oil will hopefully help it heal with the minimal amount of scarring. At least it doesn't look like I had my head reattached by Dr Frankenstein. It's very swollen still, as is to be expected, and I have limited movement in my neck, it hurts to turn it too far. My shoulders, however, are absolutely killing me as I've been hunching over protecting my neck for a week. I need a bloody good massage!
I started my thyroid medication on Wednesday and I actually feel pretty good considering. I have a few twitches in my thumb, eyelid and the backs of my legs which is related to stress and tiredness, though I've been told that twitches are also related to thyroid function, so it could well be that too. I've been sleeping like a baby though, so hopefully they'll gradually fade away over the next week.
Sean's back to work on Monday and I'm not sure how I'm going to cope. I think Imogen's in for a rude shock as she's going to be looking after Miranda! Hopefully, the weather will be nice and I can just have them all out on the deck playing. It was nice today and we were all up on our swingset for a good long time. My mind's a blank for what I'm going to do with them for the holidays. We shall see. Lots of trips to the park probably! I've been so caught up in my own rubbish that I didn't get Imogen, or Miranda for that matter, signed up for any Summer Camps this year. Mind you, couldn't really afford it this year anyway.
My UK house is still incomplete. Still waiting for the carpets to go down. My sister's boyfriend dumped her on her 21st birthday so she's not going to be taking the house now. However, Sean's client company have said that they will pay his stipend (the money they give him to cover our living expenses here in the States) for one more year. This means that we can have the house empty for another year or, more importantly, offer it to a brother or sister in Christ for half the proper rent. There's a church leader who's quite interested in it, so hopefully we can offer it to him. But that's no good unless the carpets are down and it's been tidied...
My life is never uncomplicated, but it is never too hard. I am truly blessed. I got the pathology back from my thyroid last night (My scatterbrain endo calling me at 9pm - gotta love him!). Basically, I will need the radioactive iodine as though the 1.2cm tumour was discreet, there was a tiny (2mm) one on the opposite lobe. This means there is a small but finite possibility that it could be elsewhere in my body but because they are both so small I have a T1/stage 1 cancer. Nothing to worry about and, once I have the RAI, should be completely eradicated from my body. I'm due to get the RAI once I've finished nursing in December.
And remember, none of this would have been uncovered if it weren't for the very scatterbrained endo whom I would never have seen if I hadn't been so pig-headed about my 'gestational diabetes'.
Mysterious ways...
Choosing the Right Basement Wall Panels
7 years ago