OK, I have hole in my leg, but I feel pretty amazing, nonetheless! I ended up in the ER to have the huge growth on my leg cut open and drained. I got diamorphine for my pains and IV antibiotics.
Mmmm, warm, fuzzy diamorphine!
Anyway, it's taken about two weeks to heal properly as it had to heal from the inside out and they cut right down to the muscle. I have a small cut left and a little hole.
Now we have the lovely game of finding out why this is happening as it's not just happening to me. The kids seem to be getting quite random infections and Miranda keeps getting skin infections when she gets her reaction to tree pollen in the spring. So I'm seeing an immunologist as well as the infectious diseases people to see if anyone can pinpoint it.
I suspect, though, that the cause of my problem is easier to work out as I have a feeling that my blood sugar is a bit abnormal. My endocrinologist has me on a quite high dose of my synthetic thyroid hormone which means I'm slightly hyperthyroid. This, combined with the fact that I've put on every pound that I has lost before I had Gabe so my pre-diabetes has probably kicked in again, means my blood is super yummy to the bacteria on my skin, so whenever I get a little blemish, like a shaving cut or an ingrown hair, they have a field day. Great excuse to not shave!
I've done my utmost to diet this week and seem to have shifted a couple of pounds, so I just need to keep with it. As soon as this damn thing has healed completely then I'm going back in the pool. Until then, though, I'm getting out the yoga DVDs!
Can't wait till Christmas, though! Hopefully, my lovely man will be getting me a Wii Fit. I've dropped him enough hints!
Actually, Christmas is making me all excited! I've done quite a bit of shopping for the kids already. I have actually also bought my sisters' presents and something for Sean. It's a bit more difficult to do the kids though as I buy one whole load of gifts then split them 3 ways - birthday, Santa and tree! Imogen's not so difficult this year as she's getting 3 big pressies, but still needs a Santa sack. I'm finding it really difficult to buy for Miranda because we pretty much have everything for her age group that she likes to do; it's kind of more of the same which is a bit sad really. Gabe is fun to buy for though. I'm buying cars and garages and cool boy stuff!
Lord knows what I'm going to get for Sean though...I can't buy him a plane!
We've also sorted out their parties already, which I am very thankful for. Imogen's taking some friends to see Madagascar 2 and Miranda wants hers at the same gym as last year and I'm quite happy about that!
Hopefully, we should be spending Christmas at home in the UK. That's the plan, anyway. We'll see if it comes off. As this is the last time it's going to get paid for, we really should do it! It's a logistics exercise getting all the pressies there and back but we've done it before, we'll do it again!
Something that has made me very happy this week is that Imogen got brilliant grades in her Connecticut Mastery Tests (CMTs). She was in the 'Advanced' section for two and one mark short of 'Advanced' for the other. It has no bearing on anything but the school's placing in the district and the county but she was invited to try out for the Johns Hopkins University Centre for Talent Youth's Talent Search. It's a big countrywide competition that about 1000 students win through to, out of about 75,000 invited to enter, so it's pretty good odds! I'm just amazed at how well she did and how far she'd come in a year. I know they coach them to the nth degree but I'm not disrespecting her acheivement at all. I think she's done remarkably well and I want to tell everyone what a superstar she is!
Choosing the Right Basement Wall Panels
7 years ago