When we first came to the US, I wasn't much into cooking lots but when my parents came to stay 3 months after we got here, I thought it would be nice and easy if I made lasagne for one of the meals. So we trotted off to the supermarket and lo, we found the pasta aisle. In the pasta aisle was something labelled 'lasagna'. Now, knowing the American penchant for spelling things differently from the rest of the world (even though it's our language, dagnammit!) I shrugged and purchased the said item.
On arrival at my abode I discovered you have to boil the stuff before you can layer it! I looked at my mum. She shrugged and told me that 25 years ago in the UK you had to boil your lasagne, but soon after that everyone realised that was disgusting and the Italians let us have proper lasagne sheets that you don't have to cook before you layer. So, we did what it said on the packet. And it was disgusting.
Soon after, I discovered that Bariila do no-cook lasagne sheets (and it's spelt correctly that way too) so I was a pretty happy bunny.
However, my experience with American lasagna didn't end there. No, siree.
My seven year old likes my lasagne. A lot. So the first italian restaurant we go to that's serving child portions of lasagna, she orders it. When it arrives I suspect that she's not going to eat it. It looks significantly different from any lasagne I've ever seen. Firstly, it's made of the 'boil it before' lasagna. Secondly, it seems to have a layer of ricotta cheese on the top of it almost two inches thick. And I was right.
So what's so different about a European Lasagne and an American Lasagna?
You have to see the difference to realise the difference.
As you can see, the American one ison the left and the European one is on the right.
So, in a bid to allow my American friends to be able to eat like a European (and remember, before you lay into me, this is what lasagne looks like in Italy...where it comes from), I am going to publish my first Blog recipe.
Jo's Lasagne Recipe (serves 6)
Red Sauce
1 pack of soy mince like Lightlife Smart Ground Original or 1lb of lean ground beef
1 onion, chopped
3 carrots, diced
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
8 medium fresh mushrooms, sliced
1 lb 12oz tin of crushed or chopped plum tomatoes
1/2 tsp dried basil
black pepper
garllic salt (ordinary salt will do)
olive oil
White sauce
2 ozs butter, salted
6-8 ozs extra sharp cheddar, grated
30 fl ozs milk
2 tbsp cornstarch
1 tsp dried English mustard powder or 1 tsp of Dijon mustard (optional)
1 pkt of no-cook lasagne sheets
In a large saucepan, heat a little olive oil and gently fry the onion, carrot, mushrooms and garlic together until the onions go transluscent (see though). Add the meat or soy and season with basil, pepper and garlic salt. Gently fry until the meat is brown or the soy has crumbled. Add the tin of tomatoes and refill the tin with water and add that too. Simmer the sauce until the liquid has reduced by about half.
While it is simmering prepare the white sauce. Melt the butter and remove from the heat. Add the mustard and cornstarch to make a paste. Slowly add the milk, stirring continously and return to the heat. Stir continuously and bring to the boil on a medium heat, so it doesn't burn. Once it's thickened add the cheese and taste for cheesiness. Add more if it needs it.
Preheat the oven to 375F (180C). Into a glass dish place a layer of no-cook lasagne sheets, taking care not to overlap them. Add a layer of red sauce (about 1/2). Place another layer of lasagne sheets, again no over laps, then another of red sauce. Finally, add the last layer of lasagne and then pour the white cheese sauce over the top. Bake in the oven with a foil cover for about 45 minutes, then cook for the last 15 minutes without the cover.
Enjoy with a nice salad and a glass of Barolo!
Apologies to those who have read this rant before: it disappeared in the great Gus disaster of 2005...
Jo what's the green stuff in the dish? It looks like spinach. I also once tried to use the boil stuff pasta but god that stuff was not only messy but disgusting. Now I only use the no boil pasta.
My looks kinda like the American pic but not really. Since I don't like some stuff I skip it in my lasagna and only cook with the stuff I like. I like to add cheese on every layer.
Yes I love it to be cheesy. lol
Thanks for the receipe. <3 Mary
Oppsie! My comment had some spelling errors.
Yeah, we kooky Americans like to spell things all differently. We're silly that way. First we took your colonies, then we took your language, next we'll take your king and queen. You know, just for fun.
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