Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Another boil gone rampant.

My first one was in April and it was somewhere delicate so I couldn't walk. Result? Flu-like symptoms and being told by my doctor when I finally went that I should have gone to the ER. Two antibiotic shots in my backside and a course of horse pills later and it went away.

Then I had two less problematic ones on my legs that took lots of soaking and draining and a month or so to get rid of.

Then, while I was in the UK, I had one on my wrist. It was huge. It was obvious and it was embarrassing. A course of antibiotics and cream later and it drained...horribly.

Two weeks ago, I had another one in the delicate place but it was less deep than the first and when I got it to drain it went away quite quickly.

But I now have one on my thigh, which is fairly obviously an ingrown hair gone mad and the pain is ridiculous. My heat pad is out again. I have antibiotic washes and creams coming out of my ears but nothing seems to be working, so I'm off to the docs later...


The bigger point, I feel, is why am I getting them? Apparently, one of the reasons possible is that I may be diabetic. Thing is, the actual healing thing is not a problem, once they drain. They go pretty quickly and the scar is quite small, so that's not a good indicator of being diabetic. I also have no ketones in my wee. But still, better to be safe than sorry, I feel. I still have all the paraphernalia from the gestational diabetes so I shall check my blood sugar later; just need to get a battery for the unit.

I only use this blog to moan...LMAO!

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